Thursday, December 29, 2005

Canadian wall plug

Someone asked me to take a picture of American/Canadian wall plug. So here it is if your interested.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL thanks mate! settled my curiosity,

Casper the cat tamer

9:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, Rachie... let me be either the first (if not then one of the people) to officially welcome you to Canada.

Yes, I know... we are STRRRAANGE people. They don't call us Crazy Canuks for nothing!

For your friends in Australia...
Our official languages (yes, languages) are English and French. Therefore, every label you see at malls have both languages.
We use 120V outlet and the video is NTSC/US and it's Region 1 DVD.
Our weather can go as low as -40ºC and as high as 40ºC. We get snowstorm, blizzard and ice storms and yes, school does get cancelled because of them...
We've got over 300 different channels on TV!
We drive on the right side of the road...

That's all I can think off...

Once again, Welcome To Canada/Bienvienue à Canada!

12:07 AM  

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