Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Strange Questions

Are the Kangaroo friendly?
Zoo ones, yea, outback, better watch out.

Are there any bears in Aussie?
Bears? You mean koala?

Are all Aussie friendly?
I dunno. Are they?

I think that is about it so far as I came across many who has travelled Aussie.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Howdy all Canadians!!

There is something that Rach failed to let you know about"a certain creature we have over here called "drop bears" , they are a rare species that spend all day sitting high in the tree tops awaiting beautiful females to walk under them so they can pounce down under the tree onto the suprised beautiful lady or ladies, they dont have any interest in the male gender as the drop bears are just interested in young beautfiful women.....

As of the kangaroos.... here in australia the kangaroos are not fuzzy and fun to play with, they eat you alive first they ( this is out in the outback) they run you down , then they claw your neck open with thier razor sharp claws and then feast on your body...

then there are dingos they eat small children....

australia is a very rough place, the human women are vicious once a month and aussie men drink way to much
lol that concludes caspers tutorial on australia.

12:04 AM  
Blogger Rachie's Travel Blog said...

Don't listen to Casper, he is full of bundy rums....

12:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh man, that is classic - I forgot about "drop bears" - thanks for sharing that with us! :)

12:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol yea see Rachie, even calie knows about the "drop bears!" lmao hi calie... casper

2:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want to know more about the drop bears, here is the link:

7:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't remind me of the drop bears! Last camping trip we had an Asian guy with us and we were telling him about the drop bears. Apparently he didn't get a wink of sleep. Whoops!

7:55 PM  

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