Saturday, January 21, 2006

21st Jan 06

I had Orientation Day today along with other international student coming in for Winter term and onward. They talked about University of Waterloo, International Office Service, International Student Connection, Counselling and Culture Shock.

I say I've already have culture shock and has been for a few weeks. They pointed out things that is related to culture shock and one of them was saying my country is better than this. I have had few conversation with other people about comparing our universities. It was obvious somewhere in the blog. Every country is different and you cannot jump to conclusion or assumption about something. It is normal for people who is having culture shock. Wow. I was thinking yeah i am having that at the moment but it's getting better and i am getting more involved with the university and around Waterloo.

I am in process of joining a group to learn skiing at Chiropee Skiing School and goin to Blue Mountain on February 4th.

Anyway, after Orientation day, Rob, he is an interpreter and he is of course breakin the rule of involving someone in personal life but hey he was being consicous as I was having a hard time trying to get involved and there isn't any deaf people at UW. So he asked me if I wanted to go to St Jacob today, from other day and I said yeah why not. Well St Jacob is different and I love it. It's not like any other town like Waterloo or Kitchener but yeah WOW.

I saw Mennonite. Rob was explaining what Mennonite are and everything. It was interesting. I actually enjoyed listening about the history and how things change over time. There was a old flour mill and it has been turned into shops inside but outside it still looks like a flour mills. I was fantasted. I am definitely going back there.

There are few events coming up and I can't wait for the Maple Syrup Festival which is on April 1st at Elmira.

As for the injury sustained on last Tuesday, well the doctor has referred me to physiotherapy and there hasn't been any damage to my back which i am lucky. There was a girl who has broken her leg slipping over on the pavement on that night. Well I slipped durin the night walking to the bus stop at 6:15pm but it was dark as in dark.

So yeah that the story of my life at the moment :-p.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe- I have an entire town named after me! Geez sounds like you've settled in. Have fun learning to ski but be careful.

8:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol, Meeta....

9:06 PM  

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