Saturday, March 18, 2006

Southern Ontario

Professor Roger Suffling, Huang and myself went on an environmental trip on Thursday 16th March. Our first stop was Tundra Lake where we can see the Tundra Swan stop over before heading north for breeding season. Also we saw Geese, other birds that I didn't grasp with what the professor were saying. It was a beautiful sight. It's in Alymer. Then we travelled to Port Burwell to see the coast. From Port Burwell to Clear Creek to Port Rowan to Turkey Point. At these stop, again, we were doing bird watching. AT Port Rowan, there were alot of Tundra Swan there as well. All were asleep. Also I saw a "pug rat" or that what I heard. It was swimming in Lake Erie which along the coast, it's a huge lake. I have added the photo in MSN space. Enjoy them.


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